An auditory damage model for inner ears of miniature pigs based on free-field explosion
摘要: 建立真实爆炸环境下的小型猪内耳听觉爆炸伤模型,研究不同爆炸冲击波压力对小型猪内耳听觉损伤的影响。选取14头健康小型猪,在爆炸前进行听性脑干反应(auditory brainstem response, ABR)测试。搭建自由场爆炸实验平台,使用1.9和8.0 kg TNT炸药,爆源离地面1.8 m,身体固定于防护装置中,仅暴露头部。在不同距离布放小型猪,记录冲击波峰值压力,计算即刻死亡率。爆炸后再次进行ABR测试,并取耳蜗组织进行扫描电镜观察,分析毛细胞损伤情况。在1.8~3.8 m范围内,冲击波峰值压力从96.3 kPa升至628.3 kPa,随着距离的增大,峰值压力减小。8 kg TNT爆炸在2.6 m处(峰值压力628.3 kPa)导致小型猪即刻死亡率为50%。比较爆炸前后ABR阈值发现,短声(click)和各频率短纯音(2、4和8 kHz)诱发的ABR阈值均显著升高(P<0.05),其中以4 kHz阈值变化最显著。扫描电镜显示,随着冲击波压力的升高,内毛细胞的损伤程度高于外毛细胞。爆炸冲击波可引起小型猪听觉系统的明显损伤,表现为ABR阈值升高和耳蜗毛细胞结构破坏。内毛细胞对爆炸冲击波更敏感。所建立的小型猪爆炸性听觉损伤模型可为研究爆炸伤机制和防护措施提供了重要的实验基础。Abstract: A realistic blast injury model was developed for simulating auditory damage in the inner ears of miniature pigs under controlled explosion conditions to investigate the impact of varying blast shockwave pressures on auditory impairment. Fourteen healthy miniature pigs were selected and underwent auditory brainstem response (ABR) testing prior to exposure to explosions. A free-field explosion platform was constructed utilizing 1.9 kg and 8.0 kg of TNT, with the explosive source 1.8 meters above the ground. The pigs were securely fixed in protective devices, exposing only their head, and placed at varying distances from the blast source. Peak shockwave pressures were measured, and immediate mortality rates were calculated accordingly. Post-explosion ABR tests were conducted, followed by examination of cochlear tissues using scanning electron microscopy to analyze hair cell damage. Shockwave peak pressures ranged from 96.3 kPa to 628.3 kPa over a distance range of 1.8 m to 3.8 m, with pressure decreasing as distance increased. At a distance of 2.6 m, a peak pressure of 628.3 kPa resulted in a mortality ratio of 50%. ABR threshold comparisons before and after the explosion revealed significant increases across all tested frequencies (P < 0.05), with the most notable changes at a frequency of 4 kHz. Scanning electron microscopy analysis demonstrated that inner hair cells exhibited greater susceptibility to damage compared to outer hair cells, with higher shockwave pressure leading to more sever damage. Blast shockwaves caused substantial auditory system damage to miniature pigs as evidenced by elevated ABR thresholds and destruction of cochlear hair cell. Inner hair cells proved more vulnerable to blast shockwaves. The established model can provide a valuable experimental foundation for further studies on blast injury mechanisms and protective strategies.
Key words:
- blast injury /
- miniature pig /
- inner ear auditory function /
- cochlear injury
表 1 TNT 冲击波峰值压力测试及小型猪致死率
Table 1. Results of TNT shock wave overpressure test and mortality of miniature pigs
爆炸当量/kg 到爆心距离/m 峰值压力/kPa 正压持续时间/ms 小型猪即刻死亡率/% 1.9 1.8 511.6 1.40 0(0/2) 2.6 170.0 2.80 0(0/2) 3.2 96.3 4.65 0(0/2) 8.0 2.6 628.3 1.30 50(1/2) 2.9 528.7 2.11 0(0/2) 3.2 378.5 2.98 0(0/2) 3.8 237.0 4.26 0(0/2) 表 2 小型猪爆炸前后ABR声压级阈值的比较
Table 2. Comparison of ABR sound pressure level (SPL) thresholds before and after explosion of miniature pigs
组别 ABR SPL threshold/dB Click 2 kHz 4 kHz 8 kHz 爆炸前 52.00±8.37 46.00±5.48 54.00±11.40 42.00±13.04 爆炸后 90.00±17.32 84.00±8.94 112.00±10.95 90.00±10.00 P 0.027 0.001 0.000 0.004 -
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