Conditions for shock wave induced flame instability and detonation
摘要: 采用九阶WENO和十阶中心差分格式数值求解激波与火焰作用过程,考察了激波强度、火焰尺寸对激波与球形火焰作用过程的影响。结果表明,增大激波强度或火焰尺寸均可在流场中引发爆轰,但激波强度的影响更大,并且其引发的爆轰可使火焰迅速膨胀,放热率提高,从而影响燃烧特性;此外,爆轰波传播过程中会迅速消耗可燃预混气,合并原有的反射激波,并在流场中形成局部高压区,极大地改变流场结构。Abstract: A computational study of the interaction between shock waves and a spherical flame was carried out using the ninth-order WENO and the tenth-order central difference schemes, and the influence of shock intensity and flame size on the interaction process was investigated. It can be found from the results of our study that the increase of the shock intensity and the flame size can both induce detonation in the flow field, but the influence of the shock intensity is relatively stronger. Further, the detonation induced by shock wave can lead to quick flame expansion and increase its heat release rate, thereby affecting the combustion characteristics. Besides, the detonation wave will quickly burn out the combustible gas, merge the previously existing reflected shock waves in the propagation process, and form local high pressure zones, which can significantly alter the flow field structure.
Key words:
- shock wave /
- flame /
- detonation /
- flow field structure
表 1 不同激波马赫数和火焰尺寸的4组算例
Table 1. Four cases with different shock Mach numbers and flame sizes
算例 Ma R0/m Case 1 1.7 0.019 Case 2 2.1 0.019 Case 3 2.5 0.019 Case 4 1.7 0.024 Case 5 2.1 0.024 Case 6 2.5 0.024 -
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