Experimental study of cook-off performance of fuel tanks
摘要: 车辆在遭遇事故或高温天气时容易起火自燃,车辆油箱可能发生爆燃,威胁人员的生命安全。为研究装有油料的油箱在明火烤燃下的燃爆特性,采用摄像机、红外热成像仪和热电偶对油箱在烤燃过程中喷射火焰的表面温度和尺寸以及油箱内部温度进行测试,以76L油箱为研究对象,对比不同密闭条件和填充情况下油箱的燃爆特性。实验结果表明:油箱在出油口关闭、未填充抑爆材料时,易发生爆炸,烤燃产生的爆燃火球表面最高温度在1800K以上,火球体积约为油箱体积的1600多倍;油箱内填充抑爆球可使喷射火焰的最高表面温度和尺寸显著降低;在相同条件下,油箱内柴油蒸气的平均升温速率比汽油蒸气低36.0%,最高温度低16.2%。Abstract: Vehicles are apt to catch fire easily in high-temperature weather or in traffic accidents. When their fuel tanks cook off, an explosion may occur, thereby posing a hazard to personal safety. To investigate the cook-off performance of fuel tanks, we conducted 4 tests on 76L fuel tanks under different airtight conditions and infillings, and obtained the surface and internal temperatures and the size of the fireballs using an infrared thermal imager, thermocouples and a camera. The experimental results show that the explosion may occur when the fuel outlets are closed and the fuel tank is not filled with explosion suppression balls. In our experiments, the highest surface temperature of the explosion fireball was above 1800K, and the volume of the fireball was 1600 times more than that of the fuel tank. The explosion suppression balls filled in the tanks decreased the highest surface temperature and sizes of the jet fire. Under the same conditions, the average heating rate and the highest temperature of the diesel fuel vapor were 36.0% and 16.2% lower than that of the gasoline vapor respectively.
Key words:
- fuel tanks /
- cook-off /
- explosion /
- explosion suppression materials
表 1 实验油料的理化性能
Table 1. Physical and chemical properties of experimental oil
油料 闪点/℃ 沸点/℃ 爆炸极限/% 相对密度 92号汽油 -50 40 1.3~6.0 0.70 -10号军用柴油 65 282 0.87 表 2 实验现象与结果
Table 2. Experimental phenomena and results
实验 填充物 出油口 油箱表面喷射火焰燃烧情况 抑爆球 其他 1 汽油 开 多股喷射火柱,最大尺寸约2m 2 汽油 关 爆燃火球,直径约10m 发生爆燃,有巨大声响,油箱解体,有大面积池火 3 汽油、抑爆球 关 一股喷射火柱,最大尺寸约2m 约1/3球体熔化 4 军用柴油、抑爆球 关 火苗,最大尺寸约0.5m 约1/8球体熔化 表 3 喷射火焰尺寸和表面温度
Table 3. Size and surface temperature of jet fire
实验 Tm/K Ta/K d/m h/m th/s 1 1423 1021 2.2 0.5 588 2 1883 1352 8.9 10.6 5 3 1278 949 0.5 2.1 0.033 4 1099 840 0.5 -
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