Experimental study of multi-objective coupling synchronous control in gas/air premixed gas deflagration flow test system
摘要: 为了更精确地获得爆炸激波管内瓦斯/空气预混气体爆燃过程中,激波形成过程、压力和火焰传播速度以及火焰与惰性阻燃剂相互作用的流场演化图像。通过分析激波管测试系统中多个目标的时间响应特征及控制方式,利用超高速相机、光电倍增管、时间延时器、固态继电器、电荷放大器和数据采集系统等设备,设计实验方案,分别对激波管中瓦斯/空气预混气体爆燃高压点火系统的响应时间和惰性介质阻燃剂喷射系统的响应时间进行测试。实验结果表明电火花点火的响应时间为微秒量级,而阻燃剂喷射系统的响应时间为毫秒量级,以响应时间为依据,通过设置精确的延迟时间实现多目标同步控制,为完成激波管内瓦斯/空气预混气体爆燃过程的微观流场显示奠定基础。Abstract: To obtain more accurate images of the shock wave formation process, pressure and flame propagation velocity, and flow field evolution of flame-inert flame retarding interaction duringpremixed gas/air deflagration in a blast shock tube, by analyzing the time response’s characteristics and the control modes of multiple targets in the shock tube test system, we designed two experimental schemes using an ultrahigh speed camera, a photomultiplier tube, a time delayer, a solid state relay, a charge amplifier and a data acquisition system, and tested the response time of the high pressure ignition system and the inert medium flame retarding injection system. The results showed that the response time of the spark ignition is microsecond, and that of the flame retarding injection system is millisecond. Based on the response time, we realized the multi-objective synchronous control by setting a precise delay time, thus laying a foundation for the display of a micro-flow field of premixed gas/air deflagration in a shock tube.
表 1 同步控制实验系统中的变量
Table 1. Variables in synchronous control experiment system
表 2 高压点火系统放电响应时间t1实验数据
Table 2. Experimental data on discharge response time of high voltage ignition system t1
实验序号 t1/μs 实验序号 t1/μs 1 26 N5 23 2 24 N6 24 3 22 N7 20 4 21 N8 22 表 3 惰性介质阻燃剂喷射系统响应时间t2实验数据
Table 3. Inert medium flame retardant injection system response time t2 experimental data
实验序号 拍摄速率/s−1 照片帧数 响应时间t2/μs 1 4 000 N19 4 500 2 4 000 N20 4 750 3 8 000 N36 4 375 4 8 000 N38 4 625 5 10 000 N45 4 400 6 10 000 N44 4 300 -
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