Dynamic responses of metallic hierarchical corrugated sandwich beams under shock loadings
摘要: 为了研究采用多级夹层设计的金属多级波纹芯体夹层梁在泡沫子弹冲击下的动态力学行为,在验证数值方法可靠性的基础上,通过 Abaqus-Explicit 仿真分析了不同子弹动量水平下金属多级波纹芯体夹层梁的动态变形过程、定量挠度结果、变形破坏模式和能量吸收特性。进一步地,设计了3种不同几何参数的单层波纹夹层结构,比较了单层和多级波纹夹层结构在等质量条件下的抗冲击性能差异。结果表明,多级波纹夹层梁冲击侧夹层面板的二级波纹芯体和一级波纹芯体的压溃程度始终大于背侧夹层面板二级波纹芯体的压溃程度。多级波纹夹层梁背侧面板的最终跨中挠度始终小于等质量单级波纹夹层梁的相应挠度,体现出多级夹层梁的抗冲击防护性能优势。这种增强机理主要在于增加的多孔芯体压缩吸能保护了背侧面板,另外,多级夹层梁的塑性轴向拉伸强度几乎保持不变,而塑性弯曲强度因梁结构总厚度增加而增大,从而扩大了夹层结构的塑性屈服面。Abstract: The dynamic mechanical behavior of a metallic hierarchical corrugated sandwich beam subjected to foam projectile impact was systematically studied. After verifying the reliability of the numerical method, the dynamic deformation evolution, quantitative deflection results, deformation failure modes, and energy absorption characteristics of the metallic hierarchical corrugated sandwich beam under different projectile momentum levels were analyzed using Abaqus-Explicit simulations. Subsequently, three metallic single-layer empty corrugated sandwich beams with different geometric parameters were designed, aiming to compare the shock resistance between single-layer and hierarchical corrugated sandwich beams under equal mass conditions. The results showed that the degree of crushing of the secondary corrugated core on the impact side and the first-order corrugated core of the hierarchical sandwich beam was always greater than that of the rear sandwich’s secondary corrugated core. The final mid-span deflection of the rear face of the hierarchical corrugated sandwich beam was always smaller than the corresponding deflection value of the equivalent mass single-level empty corrugated sandwich beam, demonstrating the superior impact protection performance of the hierarchical sandwich beam. This enhancement mechanism is mainly attributed to the increased energy absorption because of the added cellular cores, which protects the rear face sheet. Besides, the plastic longitudinal stretching strength of the hierarchical sandwich beam remains almost unchanged, while the plastic bending strength increases due to the increase in the total beam thickness, thereby enlarging the plastic yield surface of the sandwich structure.
表 1 多级波纹夹层结构几何尺寸
Table 1. Geometric parameters of the hierarchical sandwich beam
L/mm W/mm lc1/mm lp1/mm tc1/mm α1/(°) lc2/mm lp2/mm tc2/mm α2/(°) tf2/mm 300 60 20 5 0.5 60 8 2 0.5 60 0.5 表 2 单层波纹夹层梁ECB-S1和ECB-S2的几何参数
Table 2. The geometry parameters of the empty corrugated sandwich beams ECB-S1 and ECB-S2
梁 lp/mm lc/mm tc/mm α/(°) tf/mm ECB-S1 9.12 36.46 2.10 60 0.5 ECB-S2 5.00 34.88 1.31 73.34 0.5 -
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