Prediction methods for lower explosion limit of thermal runaway products of lithium-iron phosphate batteries
摘要: 为准确预测磷酸铁锂电池热失控产物的爆炸下限,在密闭压力容器内开展了磷酸铁锂电池热失控实验,结合热失控特性和气相色谱-质谱联用技术,计算了热失控产物气体组分,基于能量守恒方程和绝热火焰温度,建立了磷酸铁锂电池热失控产物爆炸下限的预测模型,并验证了绝热火焰温度法、Le Chatelier法和Jones法的准确性,考察了电解液蒸气对热失控产物爆炸下限的影响。结果表明,常温下采用Le Chatelier法计算得到的爆炸下限偏差最小,为1.14%;采用绝热火焰温度法计算结果偏差最大,为10.02%。在60%~100%荷电状态(state of charge, SOC)范围内,磷酸铁锂电池热失控气体的爆炸下限先升后降。当热失控产物考虑电解液蒸气时,60% SOC磷酸铁锂电池热失控产物爆炸下限仅为3.93%,较未考虑电解液蒸气热失控气体的爆炸下限降低了22.49%,这说明电解液蒸气提高了磷酸铁锂电池热失控产物的爆炸风险。
- 磷酸铁锂电池 /
- 热失控产物 /
- 爆炸下限 /
- Le Chatelier定律 /
- 绝热火焰温度
Abstract: To predict precisely the lower explosion limit of thermal runaway products of lithium iron phosphate batteries, thermal runaway tests of lithium iron phosphate batteries were carried out in a closed pressure vessel. The experiments were carried out at 25 ℃ and 0.1 MPa, and the method was used to analyze the thermal runaway gas production. The vent gas species composition of lithium iron phosphate batteries was analyzed by gas chromatography and mass spectrometry. Combined with the thermal runaway characteristics of the battery and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) technology, the gas composition of thermal runaway products of lithium iron phosphate batteries was calculated. It was assumed that the thermal runway products released from the relief valve to the first injection were all dimethyl carbonate (DMC), and the secondary injection gas was the mixed gas generated by the internal chemical reaction, which is mainly composed of H2, CO2, CO, CH4, and C2H4. A prediction model of the lower explosion limit of thermal runaway products was established based on the energy conservation equation and adiabatic flame temperature. The prediction methods of lower explosion limit of multicomponent gases based on adiabatic flame temperature, Le Chatelier law method, and Jones method were verified, and the influence of electrolyte vapor on the lower explosion limit of thermal runaway production was also investigated. The smallest deviation of the lower explosion limit calculated by the Le Chatelier law method at normal temperature and pressure was 1.14%, and the largest deviation of the lower explosion limit calculated by the adiabatic flame temperature method was 10.02%. Within the range from 60% SOC to 100% SOC, the lower explosion limit of the thermal runaway gases increases first and then decreases. When the electrolyte vapor is considered in the thermal runaway products, the lower explosion limit of thermal runaway products of lithium iron phosphate batteries with 60% SOC is only 3.93%, which is 22.49% lower than that of the thermal runaway gas without considering the electrolyte vapor. Actually, the electrolyte vapor is contained in the thermal runaway products of lithium iron phosphate batteries. These results indicate that the addition of electrolyte vapor increases the explosion risk of thermal runaway production of lithium iron phosphate batteries. -
表 1 热失控产物各组分在爆炸下限处的绝热火焰温度
Table 1. Adiabatic flame temperature of each component of the thermal runaway products at their lower explosion limit
环境温度/℃ 绝热火焰温度/℃ H2 CO CH4 C2H4 DMC 60% SOC下热失控产物 80% SOC下热失控产物 100% SOC下热失控产物 25 354.0 1118.4 1207.3 1096.8 1161.0 833.1 792.1 698.6 50 372.5 1144.7 1208.8 1099.4 1163.0 842.5 802.8 710.9 75 363.9 1124.0 1211.0 1102.4 1168.0 841.1 800.1 707.0 100 408.4 1126.5 1211.7 1105.7 1171.0 860.7 821.8 733.5 -
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