Dynamic response analysis of cellular projectile impacting foam sandwich beam
摘要: 为了研究均匀/梯度多胞子弹冲击泡沫夹芯梁的耦合响应过程和多胞子弹对夹芯梁的加载效果,对该冲击过程开展了理论分析、数值模拟和试验研究:通过将泡沫夹芯梁等效为单梁以简化分析,基于多胞子弹的冲击波模型和泡沫夹芯梁的等效单梁响应模型,构建了多胞子弹冲击泡沫夹芯梁的耦合分析模型,给出了冲击过程中各响应阶段的控制方程,并结合龙格-库塔方法对方程进行了数值求解;基于三维Voronoi技术,开展了均匀/梯度多胞子弹冲击泡沫夹芯梁的细观有限元模拟;在多胞子弹的冲击测试平台上进行了试验研究,结合高速摄影技术获取了多胞子弹和泡沫夹芯梁的速度响应。结果表明:耦合分析模型可以准确地预测多胞子弹和泡沫夹芯梁的速度历程曲线以及多胞子弹产生的冲击压强;在初始动量相同但密度分布或初速度不同的多胞子弹冲击下,同一构型的泡沫夹芯梁展现出不同的力学响应,这说明多胞子弹的加载不能简单地等效为脉冲加载,多胞子弹与夹芯梁之间的耦合效应不可忽略;相较于均匀多胞子弹,梯度多胞子弹的冲击压力波形更加尖锐,在其衰减过程中展现出更强的非线性特征。Abstract: Cellular projectiles are widely used in the impact tests of protective structures, but the actual loads of cellular projectiles acting on the tested sandwich structures are still unclear. To explore the coupling response process between the uniform/graded cellular projectile and the foam sandwich beam and the loading effect of cellular projectiles, theoretical analysis, numerical simulations, and impact tests were carried out. The foam sandwich beam was equivalent to a monolithic beam to simplify the analysis. Based on the shock wave model of the cellular projectile and the equivalent response model of the foam sandwich beam, a coupling analysis model of the cellular projectile impacting the foam sandwich beam was developed, and its governing equations were presented and solved numerically by the Runge-Kutta method. Meso-finite element simulations of a uniform/graded cellular projectile impacting a foam sandwich beam were carried out based on the 3D Voronoi technique. Impact tests were performed on the test platform of cellular projectiles, and the velocity response of the cellular projectiles and the foam sandwich beams was obtained by using a high-speed camera and a digital image processing technique. It is found that the coupling analysis model can accurately predict the velocity history curves of the cellular projectile and the foam sandwich beam, as well as the impact pressure of the cellular projectile. Subjected to cellular projectiles with the same initial momentum but different density distribution or initial velocity, foam sandwich beams with the same configuration present different mechanical response processes, which demonstrates that the impact of cellular projectiles cannot be simply equivalent to impulse loading, and the coupling effect between the projectile and the sandwich beam cannot be ignored. Compared with uniform cellular projectiles, the impact pressure waveform of the graded cellular projectile is sharper and shows stronger nonlinearity during its attenuation. This study clarifies the loading effect of cellular projectiles on foam sandwich beams and lays a theoretical foundation for the optimal design of cellular projectiles simulating blast loads.
表 1 有限元模拟和实验中多胞子弹的参数
Table 1. Parameters of cellular projectiles in finite element simulations and experimental tests
方法 子弹编号 ρ0 ρe l0/mm v0/(m·s−1) I/(N·s) 有限元模拟 UCP-1 0.15 0.15 60 100 2.98 UCP-2 0.15 0.15 30 200 2.98 GCP-1 0.20 0.10 30 200 2.98 实验测试 UCP-30 0.11 0.11 30 215 2.00 UCP-60 0.11 0.11 60 104 1.94 注:I为冲量. -
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