High-efficiency assessment method of damage for building structures under explosions
摘要: 为综合评估战后建筑结构的毁伤等级,针对爆炸作用下典型地面建筑,即含填充墙钢筋混凝土(reinforced concrete,RC)框架结构,提出了损伤破坏和倒塌的高精度数值仿真分析方法,并通过RC结构爆炸试验、倒塌事故和砌体墙爆炸试验进行了充分验证;开展了典型3层原型RC框架结构在不同爆炸当量(25~200 kg TNT)下的内爆炸数值仿真,定量分析了爆炸冲击波在建筑结构内部的传播、结构损伤破坏和墙体飞散等。爆炸作用下建筑结构的高效毁伤评估流程为:结合镜像爆源和非线性叠加原理确定内爆炸荷载,基于等效单自由度方法评估梁、板、柱及墙体构件的毁伤等级,引入构件重要性系数加权确定房间毁伤等级,考虑房间功能及位置重要性评估整体结构的毁伤等级。高精度数值仿真分析与毁伤评估方法计算的典型RC框架结构的整体毁伤等级一致,即在25、100和200 kg TNT爆炸下RC结构分别呈现轻度、中度和重度毁伤,毁伤评估方法可缩短99%以上的计算耗时,兼具可靠性与时效性。Abstract: Damage assessment of building structures plays an important role in military operations and engineering protection design. However, there is a lack of high-efficiency and validated damage assessment methods due to the complexity, variety, and large size of building structures. Therefore, a structural damage assessment method was proposed based on the high-precision numerical simulation analysis, in which the blast loadings, as well as the damage degrees of members, rooms, and building structures, were comprehensively considered. Firstly, the typical explosion tests and collapse accidents of reinforced concrete (RC) structures and masonry walls were numerically reproduced to verify the reliability of the numerical simulation approach for masonry-infilled RC frame structures. Subsequently, the blast-resistant analysis of a typical three-story masonry-infilled RC frame structure was conducted under internal explosions of different charge weights (25−200 kg TNT), including the propagation of blast waves, structural damage, and scattering of infilled walls. Besides, the proposed high-efficiency assessment method exhibited four key characteristics: (1) the concept of mirror explosion source and the non-linear shock addition rules were combined to predict the internal blast loadings in central and adjacent rooms; (2) the damage degrees of structural and non-structural members, i.e., beams, slabs, columns, and infilled walls, were determined by the equivalent single degree of freedom method; (3) the importance factor of members was considered and weighted to evaluate the damage degree of the room; (4) the influence of usage and location of each room on the damage degree of the building structure was considered. Finally, the proposed assessment method was employed to predict the aforementioned explosion scenarios. It derives that the RC frame structures exhibit slight, moderate, and severe damage under the explosions of 25, 100, and 200 kg TNT, respectively. The predicted damage degrees are identical to the simulation results, while the calculation time is reduced by over 99%. Therefore, the proposed method possesses reliability and timeliness in damage assessment of building structures.
Key words:
- blast loadings /
- building structure /
- damage assessment method /
- damage and failure
构件类型 轻度毁伤判据 中度毁伤判据 重度毁伤判据 梁 0<xmax/L≤0.017 0.017<xmax/L≤0.053 xmax/L>0.053 板 0<xmax/L≤0.017 0.017<xmax/L≤0.053 xmax/L>0.053 柱 0<xmax/L≤0.009 0.009<xmax/L≤0.026 xmax/L>0.026 墙 0<xmax/L≤0.004 0.004<xmax/L≤0.009 xmax/L>0.009 表 2 RC梁跨中最大挠度的试验[13]与计算结果对比
Table 2. Comparison between test[13] and calculated maximum deflection at mid-span of RC beams
工况 装药量/kg 比例距离/(m·kg−1/3) 跨中最大挠度 试验[13]/mm 计算/mm 误差/% B2-1 0.51 0.44 35 32.03 −8.49 B2-2 0.45 0.50 25 24.19 −3.24 B2-3 0.36 0.57 9 7.13 −20.80 B2-4 0.75 0.40 40 44.96 12.40 表 3 砌体墙跨中最大挠度的试验[41]和计算结果对比
Table 3. Comparison between test[41] and calculated maximum deflection at mid-span of masonry walls
工况 装药量/kg 比例距离/(m·kg−1/3) 跨中最大挠度 试验[41]/mm 计算/mm 误差/% W-1 100 3.45 56.6 55.6 1.8 W-2 150 3.02 79.5 79.2 0.4 W-3 250 2.54 118.0 114.0 3.4 表 4 构件的重要性系数
Table 4. Importance factor of structural members
构件类型 ηR0 ηR 梁 1 内部框架梁0.5 边跨框架梁1 板 2 内部楼板1 屋面板2 柱 2 中柱0.5 边柱1 角柱2 填充墙 1 内部填充墙0.5 外部填充墙1 表 5 房间的使用功能重要性系数
Table 5. Importance factor for usage of rooms
功能重要性 重要性描述 η1 重要 房间用于作战指挥或通信,重要人员或设备常驻 2.0 常规 房间用于常规办公或住宿,一般人员或设备常驻 1.0 次要 房间用于辅助或临时办公 0.5 表 6 25 kg TNT爆炸作用下RC框架结构内2层中心房间的毁伤等级评估
Table 6. Damage degree assessment of central room at the 2nd floor of RC frame structure under explosion of 25 kg TNT
结构构件 pr,max/MPa te/ms xmax/L 构件毁伤等级 d ηR dηR 柱C1 3.4 4.2 0.0013 轻度 0.3 0.5 0.15 柱C2 3.4 4.2 0.0013 轻度 0.3 0.5 0.15 柱C3 3.4 4.2 0.0013 轻度 0.3 0.5 0.15 柱C4 3.4 4.2 0.0013 轻度 0.3 0.5 0.15 梁B1 10.0 1.7 0.0092 轻度 0.3 0.5 0.15 梁B2 10.0 1.7 0.0092 轻度 0.3 0.5 0.15 梁B3 4.5 4.2 0.0055 轻度 0.3 0.5 0.15 梁B4 4.5 4.2 0.0055 轻度 0.3 0.5 0.15 顶板 32.8 1.0 5.6 重度 1.0 1.0 1.00 底板 32.8 1.0 5.6 重度 1.0 1.0 1.00 墙W1 17.2 1.3 不收敛 重度 1.0 0.5 0.50 墙W2 17.2 1.3 不收敛 重度 1.0 0.5 0.50 墙W3 4.7 4.2 不收敛 重度 1.0 0.5 0.50 墙W4 4.7 4.2 不收敛 重度 1.0 0.5 0.50 总计 Dr=5.20/8.0=0.65(重度) 8.0 5.20 表 7 毁伤评估方法和高精度数值仿真分析方法的对比
Table 7. Comparison between damage assessment method and high-fidelity numerical simulation approach
爆炸工况 整体结构的毁伤等级 用时 仿真分析 毁伤评估方法 仿真分析/d 毁伤评估方法/h 25 kg TNT中心房间爆炸 轻度毁伤 轻度毁伤 7 0.4 100 kg TNT中心房间爆炸 中度毁伤 中度毁伤 9 0.6 200 kg TNT中心房间爆炸 重度毁伤 重度毁伤 10 0.7 -
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