Analysis of occupant spinal injury behavior and risk induced by under-body blast impacts
摘要: 底部爆炸冲击极易造成装甲车辆乘载员脊柱损伤,为全面了解底部爆炸冲击作用下的乘员脊柱各节段损伤行为和风险,通过基于高生物逼真度人体有限元模型的数值仿真模拟典型底部爆炸冲击下乘员脊柱的动态响应过程,融合运动学、动力学和生物力学响应研究脊柱各节段潜在的损伤行为,并利用生物力学指标分析不同受载工况和防护座椅设计参数下乘员脊柱的损伤风险。结果表明:C4~T3段脊柱后伸过展是棘突、横突和椎间盘纤维环的主要致伤因素,T7~T12段脊柱损伤主要受前屈过弯和轴向压缩共同作用,腰椎轴向压缩导致椎体前侧和椎间盘髓核处高损伤风险;脊柱各节段损伤风险随受载加速度峰值增大而提高,抗爆座椅防护下颈椎仍存在高骨折风险;减小座椅悬架刚度可降低乘员脊柱的损伤风险,但在0.6~1.2 kN·s/m范围内改变座椅悬架阻尼对乘员脊柱的损伤风险无明显影响。Abstract: The impact from under-body blast (UBB) can easily cause spinal injuries to armored vehicle occupants. In order to comprehensively understand the injury behavior and risk of different spine segments of the occupant under UBB impacts, numerical simulations using a high biofidelity human body finite element model were conducted to simulate the dynamic response process of the occupant spine under typical UBB impacts. Then kinematic, dynamic, and biomechanical response were integrated to study the potential injury behavior of each segment of the spine, and biomechanical indicators were used to analyze spinal injury risk under different loading conditions and protective seat design parameters. The results indicate that: the over extension of the C4–T3 segments is the main reason for injuries to the spinous process, transverse process, and intervertebral disc annulus fibrosus; injuries of the T7–T12 segments are mainly associated with the forward over bending combined with axial compression; the axial compression of the lumbar spine results in a high injury risk at the anterior aspect of the vertebral body and the nucleus pulposus of the intervertebral disc; the risk of spinal segment injury increases with the increase of peak load acceleration, and the risk of thoracolumbar spine injury under anti-blast seat protection is lower, but there is a high risk of cervical spine fracture; reducing the stiffness of the seat suspension can reduce the risk of spinal injury for occupants, but changing the damping parameter of the seat suspension in the range of 0.6−1.2 kN·s/m has no significant effect on the spinal injury risk of occupants.
Key words:
- under-body blast /
- spinal injury /
- human body model /
- biomechanics
表 1 仿真矩阵
Table 1. Simulation matrix
编号 UBB峰值/g 刚度/(kN∙m−1) 阻尼/(kN·s∙m−1) 0 200 80 1.2 1 100 80 1.2 2 150 3 250 4 300 5 200 50 1.2 6 60 7 70 8 200 80 0.6 9 0.8 10 1.0 -
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