Acceleration response test and damage analysis of dummy head under explosion shock wave
摘要: 为了研究爆炸冲击波作用下人体头部的加速度响应、建立加速度与爆炸冲击波超压的内在联系、评价基于加速度参数的头部损伤评估指标,利用标准人体参数的假人模型开展了多种TNT当量的空中静爆试验,获得了不同比例距离下模型头部的加速度时程曲线以及同距离处的自由场超压曲线。基于峰值线性加速度、头部损伤标准(head injury criterion, HIC)和头部撞击功率(head impact power, HIP)定量分析了头部损伤的风险等级,评价3种损伤评估指标在爆炸场景下的适用性和有效性。结果显示,距爆心4.2 m处的假人头部加速度随TNT当量的增加而迅速增大,TNT质量在1~4 kg范围内,正对爆心方向峰值加速度由16.29g增大至70.11g;在本次试验工况下,3种评估指标预测轻度脑损伤(mild traumatic brain injury, mTBI)风险最大依次为25%、10%和5%,其中HIP指标评估的头部轻度损伤风险偏低;当3种评估指标达到头部严重损伤阈值时,对应的峰值超压依次为0.322、0.300和0.332 MPa,其中HIC指标对应的峰值超压最低,表明其预测头部严重损伤的敏感性最强。Abstract: In military operations, terrorist attacks, accidents and other situations, blast injury has become the main mode of casualties, among which the proportion of blast-induced traumatic brain injury (bTBI) has increased significantly, but the specific injury mechanism is still unclear. In order to obtain the acceleration response of human head under the action of explosion shock wave, establish the internal relationship between acceleration and explosion shock wave overpressure, and evaluate the head injury evaluation criteria based on acceleration parameters, this study carried out the air static explosion test of various TNT equivalent spherical charges by using the dummy model with standard body level, on which the acceleration time history curves and the free field overpressure curves of the model head at different scaled distances were obtained. Based on peak linear acceleration, head injury criterion (HIC) and head impact power (HIP), the risk level of head injury was quantitatively analyzed, and the applicability and effectiveness of the three injury assessment indexes were evaluated in the explosion scene. The results show that the acceleration of the dummy head at 4.2 m from the detonation center increases rapidly with the increase of TNT equivalent. In the range from 1 to 4 kg TNT mass, the peak acceleration in the direction of detonation increases from 16.29g to 70.11g. The peak acceleration in each direction is linearly correlated with the peak overpressure. Under the experimental conditions, the maximum risk of mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI) predicted by the three evaluation indexes was 25%, 10%, and 5%, where HIP index evaluated the lower risk of mTBI. When the three evaluation indexes reached the threshold of severe head injury, the corresponding peak overpressure was 0.322, 0.300 and 0.332 MPa, respectively. The peak overpressure corresponding to the HIC index was the lowest, indicating that it had the strongest sensitivity to predict severe head injury.
Key words:
- explosion shock wave /
- acceleration response /
- head injury criterion /
- injury assessment
表 1 试验工况
Table 1. Test conditions
试验编号 TNT质量/
MPa1#,4# 1 4.2 4.20 0.045 2#,7# 2 4.2 3.33 0.068 3#,5# 3 4.2 2.91 0.089 6#,8# 4 4.2 2.65 0.108 表 2 不同工况下各损伤评估指标的特征值
Table 2. Characteristic values of injury assessment indii under different conditions
试验编号 TNT质量/kg 比例距离/(m∙kg−1/3) 峰值超压/MPa am/g γ15 ηm/kW 1# 1 4.20 0.0486 22.77 4.66 1.30 2# 2 3.33 0.0693 39.70 28.30 2.60 3# 3 2.91 0.0984 58.68 45.92 3.97 4# 1 4.20 0.0443 22.51 6.81 0.91 5# 3 2.91 0.0956 64.62 51.14 4.35 6# 4 2.65 0.1161 71.41 81.46 6.26 7# 2 3.33 0.0775 38.54 23.98 2.50 8# 4 2.65 0.1199 61.77 57.53 5.27 -
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