• ISSN 1001-1455  CN 51-1148/O3
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  • 力学类中文核心期刊
  • 中国科技核心期刊、CSCD统计源期刊


晁望舒 费晓炜 李伟萍 豆雅楠 王俊龙 何鑫 吕伟豪 武秀权 陈红庆 陈雷颖 马天 费舟 庄茁 康越 费霏

晁望舒, 费晓炜, 李伟萍, 豆雅楠, 王俊龙, 何鑫, 吕伟豪, 武秀权, 陈红庆, 陈雷颖, 马天, 费舟, 庄茁, 康越, 费霏. 防护风镜对眼爆震伤诱导视网膜病理损伤和自噬变化的有效改善[J]. 爆炸与冲击, 2024, 44(12): 121441. doi: 10.11883/bzycj-2024-0257
引用本文: 晁望舒, 费晓炜, 李伟萍, 豆雅楠, 王俊龙, 何鑫, 吕伟豪, 武秀权, 陈红庆, 陈雷颖, 马天, 费舟, 庄茁, 康越, 费霏. 防护风镜对眼爆震伤诱导视网膜病理损伤和自噬变化的有效改善[J]. 爆炸与冲击, 2024, 44(12): 121441. doi: 10.11883/bzycj-2024-0257
CHAO Wangshu, FEI Xiaowei, LI Weiping, DOU Yaʼnan, WANG Junlong, HE Xin, LYU Weihao, WU Xiuquan, CHEN Hongqing, CHEN Leiying, MA Tian, FEI Zhou, ZHUANG Zhuo, KANG Yue, FEI Fei. Effective improvement of retinal pathological injury and autophagy changes induced by explosive eye blast injury by protective goggles[J]. Explosion And Shock Waves, 2024, 44(12): 121441. doi: 10.11883/bzycj-2024-0257
Citation: CHAO Wangshu, FEI Xiaowei, LI Weiping, DOU Yaʼnan, WANG Junlong, HE Xin, LYU Weihao, WU Xiuquan, CHEN Hongqing, CHEN Leiying, MA Tian, FEI Zhou, ZHUANG Zhuo, KANG Yue, FEI Fei. Effective improvement of retinal pathological injury and autophagy changes induced by explosive eye blast injury by protective goggles[J]. Explosion And Shock Waves, 2024, 44(12): 121441. doi: 10.11883/bzycj-2024-0257


doi: 10.11883/bzycj-2024-0257
基金项目: 陕西省自然科学基础研究计划重点项目(2023-JC-ZD-48);空军军医大学军事医学提升计划(2021JSTS14);西京医院医务人员培养交叉融合专项(XJZT24JC39)

    晁望舒(2001- ),男,博士研究生,2675161896@qq.com


    费 霏(1986- ),女,博士,副教授,feepluss@fmmu.edu.cn

  • 中图分类号: O389

Effective improvement of retinal pathological injury and autophagy changes induced by explosive eye blast injury by protective goggles

  • 摘要: 首先基于头部动态测试系统与激波管和外场实弹实爆测试环境,验证了眼部装备(护目镜和风镜)的防护性能。研究结果表明,风镜防护性能更优,建议给执勤人员配发兼容防紫外、强光、烟雾和防破片功能的风镜产品,以提高相关人员眼部防护能力。此后,研究眼部爆震伤后组织损伤、功能改变及市售风镜动物实验版的防护作用与机制,为防治眼部爆震伤及风镜后续的设计改进提供理论依据。选用比格犬和C57小鼠进行相关动物实验,通过HE、Tunel、Nissl染色、视觉电生理检查等检测方法,发现随着冲击波强度的提高和伤后时间的延长,视网膜损伤程度和细胞凋亡程度均提高,其中神经节细胞层(ganglion cell layer, GCL)和光感受器内外节交界处(layer of photoreceptor inner/outer segments, IS/OS)受到的损伤最严重;进一步研究分子变化发现,自噬相关调节蛋白SQSTM1/p62(P < 0.0001)和LC3-Ⅱ(P = 0.8437)、LC3-Ⅰ(P = 0.003)的表达量明显增高,说明视网膜损伤一定程度上是由爆震伤后自噬增强这一机制导致的。市售风镜的动物实验版能够有效减轻冲击波对视网膜的损伤,保护RNFL、INL/ONL、GCL和IS/OS的结构。同时,与其他组相比,3.5 MPa组防护组与损伤组视网膜损伤和细胞凋亡程度差异最显著,推测该强度下防护风镜发挥了最大的保护作用,保护机制与防护降低视网膜细胞自噬相关。
  • 图  1  防护护目镜和防护风镜实物照片

    Figure  1.  Photos of protective sunglasses and protective goggles

    图  2  太阳镜和风镜的防护性能测试实验装置

    Figure  2.  Experimental devices for testing protective performances tof sun glasses and goggles

    图  3  3种不同防护条件下的激波管管口和头模眼部超压-时间曲线

    Figure  3.  Overpressure-time curves of the mouth of the shock tube and the eyes of the head models under three different protection conditions

    图  4  3种不同防护条件下的自由场和头模眼部超压-时间曲线

    Figure  4.  Overpressure-time curves of the free field and the eyes of the head models under three different protection conditions

    图  5  不同激波强度下防护组与损伤组视网膜HE染色结果

    Figure  5.  Retinal HE staining results of the protection group and the injury group under different shock wave intensities

    图  6  不同激波强度下样本平均INL和ONL厚度

    Figure  6.  Mean INL and ONL thickness of the samples under different shock wave intensities

    图  7  4.5 MPa激波下,不同取样时间防护组与损伤组视网膜HE染色结果

    Figure  7.  Retinal HE staining results of the protection group and the injury group under 4.5-MPa shock wave at different sampling times

    图  8  4.5 MPa激波下,不同取样时间样本平均INL和ONL厚度以及两者的比

    Figure  8.  Mean INL and ONL thicknesses of the samples and their ratio under 4.5-MPa shock wave at different sampling times

    图  9  不同激波强度下防护组与损伤组视网膜Tunel染色结果

    Figure  9.  Retinal Tunel staining results of the protection group and the injury group under different shock wave intensities

    图  10  4.5 MPa激波下,不同取样时间防护组与损伤组视网膜Tunel染色结果

    Figure  10.  Retinal Tunel staining results of the protection group and the injury group under 4.5-MPa shock wave at different sampling times

    图  11  不同激波强度下样本IS/OS厚度和

    Figure  11.  Sum of IS and OS thickness of the samples under different shock wave intensities

    图  12  4.5 MPa激波下,不同取样时间样本IS/OS厚度和

    Figure  12.  Sum of IS and OS thickness of the samples under 4.5-MPa shock wave at different sampling times

    图  13  不同激波强度下防护组与损伤组RGC细胞数

    Figure  13.  RGC count of the protection group and the injury group under different shock wave intensities

    图  14  4.5 MPa激波下,不同取样时间防护组与损伤组RGC细胞数

    Figure  14.  RGC count of the protection group and the injury group under 4.5-MPa shock wave at different sampling times

    图  15  不同激波强度下,防护组与损伤组单位视野下RGC凋亡数量

    Figure  15.  Apoptotic number of RGCs in unit field of the protection group and the injury group under different shock wave intensities

    图  16  4.5 MPa激波下,不同取样时间防护组与损伤组单位视野下RGC凋亡数量

    Figure  16.  Apoptotic number of RGCs in unit field of the protection group and the injury group under 4.5-MPa shock wave at different sampling times

    图  17  不同激波强度下,防护组与损伤组单位视野下凋亡细胞数量

    Figure  17.  Apoptotic number of cells in unit field of the protection group and the injury group under different shock wave intensities

    图  18  不同激波强度下防护组与损伤组视网膜Nissl染色结果

    Figure  18.  Retinal Nissl staining results of the protection group and the injury group under different shock wave intensities

    图  19  4.5 MPa激波下,不同取样时间防护组与损伤组视网膜Nissl染色结果

    Figure  19.  Retinal Nissl staining results of the protection group and the injury group under 4.5-MPa shock wave at different sampling times

    图  20  不同激波强度下,防护组与损伤组单位视野下阳性细胞数

    Figure  20.  Number of positive cells in unit field of the protection group and the injury group under different shock wave intensities

    图  21  4.5 MPa激波下,不同取样时间防护组与损伤组单位视野下阳性细胞数

    Figure  21.  Number of positive cells in unit field of the protection group and the injury group under 4.5-MPa shock wave at different sampling times

    图  22  4.5 MPa激波下,防护组与损伤组视网膜HE和Nissl染色结果

    Figure  22.  Retinal HE staining and Nissl staining results of the protection group and the injury group under 4.5-MPa shock wave intensities

    图  23  4.5 MPa激波下,样本平均INL和ONL厚度

    Figure  23.  Mean INL and ONL thicknesses of the samples under 4.5-MPa shock wave intensities

    图  24  4.5 MPa激波下,防护组与损伤组单位视野下RGC细胞数

    Figure  24.  RGC and positive cell count in unit field of the protection group and the injury group under 4.5-MPa shock wave intensity

    图  25  4.5 MPa激波下,防护组与损伤组视网膜Tunel检测结果

    Figure  25.  Retinal Tunel test results of the protection group and the injury group under 4.5-MPa shock wave intensity

    图  26  防护组和损伤组视网膜的HE染色和Nissl染色结果以及各组视网膜厚度量化结果

    Figure  26.  Retinal HE and Nissl staining results of the protection group and the injury group as well as quantitative results of retinal thickness in each group

    图  27  防护组和损伤组视网膜的凋亡检测以及视网膜GCL凋亡细胞量化结果

    Figure  27.  Apoptosis detection in the retina of the protection group and the injury group as well as quantitative results of apoptotic cells in the retinal RGC layer

    图  28  视觉电生理检查各组Ops数据以及Ops指标中O2幅值量化

    Figure  28.  Ops data of each group measured by visual electrophysiology as well as quantification of O2 amplitude in Ops indices

    图  29  视觉电生理检查各组VEP数据以及VEP指标中潜伏期量化和P2幅值量化

    Figure  29.  VEP data of each group measured by visual electrophysiology as well as quantifications of latency and P2 amplitude in VEP indices

    图  30  透射电镜检测各组RGC中自噬情况

    Figure  30.  Transmission electron microscopy detection of autophagy in the retina of each group

    图  31  WB检测各组中自噬相关蛋白SQSTM1/p62、LC3-Ⅰ和LC3-Ⅱ表达水平

    Figure  31.  WB detection of autophagy-related proteins SQSTM1/p62, LC3-Ⅰ and LC3-Ⅱ expression levels in each group

    图  32  SQSTM1/p62、LC3-Ⅰ和 LC3-Ⅱ相对表达量量化

    Figure  32.  Quantification of SQSTM1/p62, LC3-Ⅰ and LC3-Ⅱ relative expression levels

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